
Can you cash a check that has been almost 3 years since recieving?

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Hi, I happen to own a check that has been 3 years old. It was given by one of my friend and I thought I lost it but I found it yesterday in my closet. Since I can use some money right now, I am wondering if you can still turn the check into a cash and deposit it in my bank. In other words, I want to bring the check to the bank and deposit it in my account. The check is a Walmart Financial check or something but I guess that does not really matter. Detailed answers would be appriciated!




  1. Probably not. If it's a corporate check, they usually "expire" about 90 days.

  2. A check that old is considered stale and will not be accepted by a bank.

    If the check was written by your friend, you can ask him to write you a fresh one.

    If the check was corporate issued, the company has to account for the funds that were never cashed. ---- they don't just get to keep them.   If the amount is small, the funds are escheated or turned over to the state in your name.  You then have to contact your state's comptroller to claim the money.  If the amount was larger, the company is supposed to try to track down the intended recipient and offer them a fresh check in exchange for the stale dated check.  The dollar threshholds vary depending on the state but most are in the $50 - $100 range.  Under that, they escheat it to the state.  Over that, they attempt to give you a replacement check.  However, if they can't locate the person who never cashed the check, they can turn the money over to the state.

  3. No you can't

  4. No you can not use the check. Most checks have a void date, such as void after 90 days or void after 180 days. So most likely you can not cash that check


  5. contact the check ISSUER and find out if there is a STOP PAYMENT against the check because it is so old. In any case, if you return the original check to the issuer, they will be glad to re-issue you a check you can cash NOW. Most banks will place extended holds against a STALE DATED check, which is usually 60 days after issue date, although that varies by bank.

  6. Tax Gurl is right and as others have said, most banks will honor checks up to 6 mo old except ones that say "void after 90 days."  A few checks say "void after 1 year" so you'd have a year to cash it.  Many ppl have had your problem.  My dad found a check 15 years old and the company folded so he was out of luck.  My suggestion for the future:  Cash or deposit your checks promptly.  If you are too tired or busy, have a "to do" pile or box on your desk that you will look at every few days or weeks (not years).I don't know what a "walmart financial check" is.  Is it a money order? If so, ask WalMart what their terms are.  Some money orders will be cashed with a monthly fee/penalty charged (say 50cents per month penalty).  You'd have to ask WalMart for specifics.

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