
Can you cash a personal out of state check at a bank? (Rockville, MD)

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If not where is the best place in Rockville, MD (or around this area) To get a personal check cashed. My grandma sent me a birthday check and I want to cash but I don't have a bank here and I don't really want to wait three weeks until I move back home. Thanks!!




  1. If your grandmother's check was written on a bank that has a branch here, you should be able to cash it at that bank.  You will need to bring identification with you, of course. Something "official" (like a school ID with a picture, for example) will be best.  

    If there is no branch here of your grandmother's bank, and you don't have your own bank here, see if you can get someone else to cash it for you.  For example, if  you are visiting friends here, you can endorse the check to them.  Then, they can cash it at their bank and give you the money.  You just write on the back of the check, "Pay to [friend's first and last names]" and sign your own name below that.

    If you can't do that either, your best bet is either to wait or to mail the check to your bank at home.  If you want to mail it, you write "for deposit" and sign your name.  Of course, you still won't be able to get the money until you get back home, so see if a friend can cash it for you.

    Good luck, and happy birthday!

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