
Can you change the address on your license if they forgot to put a space where it is needed?

by  |  earlier

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Well, on my license, it writes my address like this (I'm not putting my real address, just a fake one as example):


It may not bother most people, but the APT and GH is suppose to be spaced-out. To me, it looks like some gibberish looking word right on my license, when really, it should be APT GH. And the lady put an extra, extra space between WOOD and AVE! I don't know, maybe I just have OCD, but I can't handle the fact that that will be my address on my DMV records.

So my question is this: Is that a valid reason to change the address on my license or is moving to a new residence the only valid reason? And if the address does change, does that mean I have to go through that process of retaking my picture, etc.?

Thank you so much to those who answer. I hope you guys don't think I'm some kind of weirdo who knit-picks every small thing. I'm just curious; thanks again. :)




  1. It's not a big deal... And it's probably right in the dmv system... But if you want it changed your allowed a free license change once every 4 years for a change of address... U can even do it online.. Or at least you can in GA, and you won't have to take another pic

  2. I think it is a valid reason to change it because if you were to get pulled over the officer may think that it is fake and may try and give you a hard time since it looks like it doesn't make sense.

  3. Well I just moved last year and changed the address with the dmv, and all you had to do was fill out a few forms, you didn't need to retake pic or anything....  and it was like a $20 fee or something...  Also each state is going to be different.  I live in ny....

    If it's just a typo error though, why don't you just go down and ask them, cuz they should probably waive the fee, since it was there fault...   They'll just issue a new temp. license with the correct address on it, and then send you a new one...

  4. You can ask them to correct it but is it really that big of a deal and worth the bother?

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