
Can you change this .PNG file to a JPG or JPEG?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I need to change this file to a JPG file. And I don't have photoshop installed on here, so I need this to be changed to .jpg

Thanks guys =]




  1. I do not use Mac myself and have zero experience with it but I will try to help :)

    Try to install Gimp for Mac. When you manage to do it, open your file and save it with jpg extension. You will get a dialog asking for options - defaults are rather sensible so you can just click OK.

    Mail me if you need further help.


    here you go (:

  3. Well,I am not sure.I am doing the same thing myself.One way I have found that you can do it,if you can get it to open in your preview program.Is to right click it and  select preview.If it allows it to open on there,go down to the save button,click the save button and when the file box opens,make sure in the bottom box, that you have jpeg and/or pictures clicked.Not all files!Then just click save and it will change it to a jpeg.If you save as is,it will delete the orignal copy,so be sure you click save at the bottom of your preview program! Or just check on line for a free photo shop,download the pic on that and click edit,and then just click save.That works sometimes too.Or you can right click on it and click on" open with" and choose the internet(web) to open,and it will take you to a page that will assist you in finding the proper site to fix it.  Here I fixed it for you ,I need your email addy and I will send it to you.My email addy is:  be sure you put a "z" on the end of my name and not an "s".I'll send it when I hear from you.

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