
Can you check a case of beer on an airplane?

by  |  earlier

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I am flying back to Chicago and friends want a case of Fat Tire Beer so I am trying to figure out how to do it. My last resort is to call the airline or TSA.




  1. You can check the beer, but the cans will be empty,

    when you get them back, from the baggage handlers.

    They are cutting back on weight. %})

  2. if its in checked luggage, most likely yes

    (You can get almost anything through checked luggage)

  3. Well, it would have to go in the hold if they stick to TSA guidelines - unless you mean using a cargo plane.

    Problem is, I'm pretty sure the hold isn't pressurised and so at 30,000 feet your beer would have exploded.

    What about a courier if it's going over land?

  4. You might be able to put in in one of your bags. I'm not sure though. I would say call them to make sure

  5. put it in the case you check in...i'm not sure if you're allowed bring alcohol, but you are defiantly not allowed bring any form of liquid into the cabin(unless it's under 100ml)  think you'll need to call the airline/airport to check...

    sorry for the un-helpfull ansewer =[

  6. You could ship it to yourself? Or put in in special luggage  

  7. my answer is no. i have tried many times and i did not find a way to do it plus you are not allowed food or drink grater than 6 ounces in your carry on or in your luggage. you could try and send in the mail marked fragile but other than that you will not be able to bring the beer

  8. I don't think you be able to take a case of beer out of the country all the way to chicago

  9. You must do a custom claim but its better to call the airline  

  10. =0

  11. call first

  12. I have brought several 22 oz. bottles of beer across the country in my checked luggage several times (craft beers not readily available where I go).  Be sure to pack it well, as a friend of mine was required to buy an elaborate cushioning bag for a bottle of whiskey he brought.  I'm not sure if cans are different, but the alcohol itself shouldn't be a problem.

  13. You should definitely tell the airline.  If you sneak it in and it explodes (due to change in pressure or being crushed from other luggage, etc.) you'll have a loooot of explaining to do and possibly wind up in jail and/or pay a fine.  They'll most likely see it anyway when they x-ray scan your luggage.

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