
Can you check in to this for me????

by  |  earlier

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For anyone voting for Obama, why don't you go to your search engine and type in Obama and William Ayers. Or Obama and Louis Farrakhan. If that doesn't scare you, then your not American.

Its a sad day when Democrats are voting for a communistic terrorist as their candidate.




  1. Snoozefest.  This has all been said and done before.  Find something else to try to scare us with.

  2. anyone who uses a ".biz" website or a blog, or foxnews as a source is living a truly sad life

    farrakan can support whoever he wants, so can Klan members, it doesn't change anything you halfwit

  3. I checked into it for you and your sources are unreliable at best.  Fox News and random blogs off the net?  Are you serious?

  4. Men is like you are leaving in the past, brush up and get on board before the train leaves you. Thank you

  5. I agree, it is a sad time when this guy buys his way into our living rooms with a huge group of P.R. people working for him. These people get paid to promote "stuff".  I do believe his employees are doing their job well. It's just unfortunate that their "product" is flawed.

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