
Can you check my website please? I need your opinion.?

by  |  earlier

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Hi. I need some feedback about my new site. Please let me know if you find it user friendly, easy to navigate and last but not least if it is usefull to people who are looking for gambling games.

Thank you




  1. Can you change the greys to greens?... Green = Money!

  2. It's not bad.  Personally I find the colors a little bland; more suited to a web site about pony rides, than gambling.

    I dislike how you are using Times Roman in places, and Arial in others.  I think you should use just one font, preferably Arial (or similar).

    On your scratch card page (and I think on one other page) you inexplicably have a black background behind one of the reviews.

    On the online poker page the text for Titan crashes the border a little bit.

    Many of the pages don't look like they have a proper ending.  The page just kind of trails off with no real mark that you have reached the end of the page.  Now the home page has a pink box at the bottom, which looks a bit odd since it is empty, but at least that gives the page 'closure.'

    I think you've made a reasonable start, but I think you have some way to go before you can call it complete.

  3. its perfect.. i like gambling games:).. add this so i can get me some extra points!!

  4. Your site looks real nice.  However I have found if you want a better ranking get rid of the errors.  I found 37 errors and most of them were of this nature:

    line 126 column 300 - Warning: discarding unexpected </a>

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