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The pie chart provides an overview of different aged students purpose OF studying and gives us information related to the changes in the help they receive from their employers.

At first glance we notice that under 26 yr olds are more likely to study for career purposes and they receive almost the maximum help form their employers, both as time offer or fees reduction. On the contrary, over 49yr olds usually study for interest and receive only 40% of help from their bosses.

Furthermore, we also notice that studying for interest rises with age and reaches a peak for 49yr old students. Between the age of 40-49 there is the same percentage of students studying for career and interest. As far as the employers are concerned the support is higher for under 26yr olds. After this moment it starts to decline and it drops between the age of 30 and 39.

To summarize very young and over 49 students seem to be more helped from the employers and big part of the overall students start studying for interest reasons in adulthood.




  1. The pie chart provides an overview of differently aged students' purpose about studying and gives us information related to the changes in the help (metterei support) they receive from their employers.

    At (a) first glance, we notice that the people younger than 26 are more likely to study for career purposes and they almost receive the most consistent/maximum help from the employers, both as time offer or fees reduction. (?)

    On the contrary, those who are over 49 usually study for interest and receive only 40% of help from their bosses.

    Furthermore, we can also notice that studying for interest rises with age (is more common for older students) and reaches a peak for 49-year-old students. Between the age of 40-49 (io riformulerei questa parte, non mi poace molto, però vedi tu) there is the same percentage of students studying for career goals and interest.

    As far as the employers are concerned, the support given is higher for under 26 year olds. After that it starts to decline and (it) drops for the students aged between 30 and 39.

    To summarize, very young and over 49 students seem to be more helped by the employers, and interest plays a major role in deciding whether and what to study later in life.

  2. The pie chart provides an overview of different of reasons for studying on the part of students of different ages and gives us information related to the differing degrees of help they receive from their employers.

    At first glance we notice that under 26 year olds are more likely to study for career related purposes and they receive almost the maximum help from their employers, both in terms of time off or subsidised fees. On the other hand, those over 49 years old usually study for interest and receive only 40% by way of subsidy from their bosses.

    Furthermore, we also notice that studying for interest increases with age and reaches a peak for 49 year old students. Between the age of 40-49 there is an equal percentage of students studying for career and interest. As far as the employers are concerned the support is higher for under 26 year olds. From this point on it starts to decline and it drops between the age of 30 and 39.

    In summary, the very young and those over 49 seem to receive greater help in studying from the employers and a high proportion of students embark on studies from motives of interest in adulthood.

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