
Can you claim an 18 year old relative on your taxes that lives with you?

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Our Niece is living with us and she's 18 not working and we pay everything for her..she's lived with us since the middle of June




  1. yes, you can.  just make sure her parents don't claim her on their tax return or returns.

    it would also help if you document everything you spend on her.

    also, if she takes a job between now and december 31 and she files a tax return, the amount she earns may affect your deduction.  keep tabs on that.

  2. You can do pretty much anything u want in that regards. My bf's 24 and has been living with me for a year and a half and his dad claimed him on his taxes and he diidn't even know it. His dad wont ber punished for it but my bf will. In ur case, If she isn't filing taxes or if she is and is marking herself as a dependant then i think so yes.

  3. This is tricky.

    You must meet a series of tests to claim her as a "qualifying child."

    1.  Age.  Met if she's 18 on 12/31.

    2.  Relationship.  Met (Must be child of your brother or sister).

    3.  Must have lived with you for more than 6 months.

    4.  Must not have provided her own support.

    Personally, I'd build a file folder of the documents showing the above since "neice" and "nephew" are red flags to teh IRS.  If questioned, you will need copies of birth certificates.

  4. Very likely you can, and might be able to claim her as a qualifying child rather than just as a qualifying relative.  

    If either of her parents is also living with you, so they lived with her over half the year, they would have first rights to claim her.

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