
Can you claim theft as an occupation in court?

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Can you claim theft as an occupation in court?




  1. can. Before you do need to understand about self-incrimination. Anything you say in a court is being recorded and could be used against evidence. A more creative thing to say...if you must....say you're an Officer of Procurement.

  2. HAHA  I knew i guy that claimed to be a "welfare stud".  He would take food stamps as payment to impregnate women on welfare so they could increase their benefits.

  3. h**l yes you can.  I don't think you will impress the judge, nor win your case.  At that point you will have lost all discreditably with the judge and who ever else is in the court room.

  4. a friend of mine is from romania and there he said "pickpocket" is a profession....  

  5. since you don't get a W-2 or a 1099, I would consider it more as being a bartering agent, a quid pro quo situation, therefore the IRS can't get you for tax evasion, who's to say how you acquired the items for barter unless that's the reason for going to court

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