
Can you clean a hamster cage with anti-bacterial spray?

by  |  earlier

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i dont no what to do

the lady at pets at home said its ok but everyone else i asked told me it can kill the hamsters =O

is this true

also, i am buying my hamster from pets at home

i know loads of ppl who got them from this pets at home store and they have all been very happy and healthy





  1. plain listerine(not flavored) 1 part listerine to 2 parts water. It is safe, and effective. You can put it in a spray bottle if it's easier for you. But buy a new one, do not use one that had another substance in it.  

  2. as long as it is risen off well and well dried after the ye should be able to

  3. they sell some at some pet stores that are safe for hamsters.

    Check out my hamster care site:

  4. Yes, sure I used to have a hamster and i used to clean it out with anti-bacterial spray and my was always fine, now i have to guineapigs (plus my other pets) and i clean it out with anti-bacterial spray too. Don't worry your hamster/s will be fine - honestly!!! :-] Hope this has helped!!! x

  5. Hi

    you can get special antibacterial sprays from your local pet store or garden center, even pets at home. they sometimes have scented ones which are safe for your hamster.

    yes some sprays may harm your hamster if not advised by your vet or pet store.

    good luck.

  6. yes you can

    get a secondary cage to put in your hamster when you clean the cage. take out all the bedding, get water, wash out the rest (poo in the corners and stuff like that). clean all materials that were in the cage. then you should use the anti-bacterial spray on the wals and the floor of the cage (if you have a wire cage, not an aquarium, then use on the floor only). use the spray like windex, spray and wipe. rise the cage afterwards and place fresh bedding and the toys etc.

  7. u could try it but read with one is the most gentle and get that one.

  8. I wouldn't recommend any chemicals in pets cages. A good way to keep the cage clean is to provide a jar of some sort for the hamster to use as a toilet, they seem to like areas without sawdust and always clear their own space in the cage to use so you end up with a white smelly corner if you don't use the jam jar technique. This means you can take the jar out easily and just rinse out. Only problem with this is the little blighters can also use the jar for food storage as well, yuk! Sometimes you just can't win.

    Best of luck and hope you get a lovely hamster.

  9. i get the spray for my animals cage in the pet shop and its anit bac designed for pets that you can actually use on cats and dogs as a deodorant as well as a cleaner for the cage! its very gentle hence why you can use it on animals! i wouldnt spray a hamster with it though! as long as you wash it out well with water then there is no problem with using anti bacterial spray!

  10. aww you sound really cute and funny *star*

  11. good for you for being concerned!!if i were you i would try to use some kind of soap just make sure its not dish soap!!

    and if lots of people got it from the store and they were happy it must be a pritty good store so i wouldent worry about it!

    good luck!

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