
Can you clean greasy/dirty hair without washing it?

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I know that sounds gross but this is the issue. My boyfriend had a ceremony performed for him and according to the medicine man he has to remain holy for four days. Part of this is not showering for three sundowns, not holding a knife, not cutting anything whether it is his food or having his hair cut, cant cook for himself (nothing new there), not laying with a woman or having any close physical contact. I think the not bathing part makes a difference for the last one :)

He let his hair grow out but its been bugging him not to wash it. Isnt there a product like a hairspray that can help out on this? I know in the seventies they had a spray they marketed for people in between washes for their hair but my mom says they discontinued it. If there is something where could I buy it?




  1. Yes Dry Shampoo. Its amazing.

    All my friends have it haha for camping days and days when a shower is out of the question because theres no time haha.

    or if your american try walgreens.

    take care x

  2. Call around your local drugstores and see if they carry "dry shampoo". There's one called Pssst. It's probably in the regular shampoo aisle of drugstores or even the grocery store.

    If they don't have it, some baby powder will help a litte bit.

  3. waterless shampoo its a powder u put in ur hair i dont no where u can buy it try target or walmart i also heard baby power before u go to bed it drys up oils in ur hair so :) happy no baths or showers lol

  4. You're looking for a brand called Pssst! that came in a can and was sold at the pharmacy.  I've actually seen the product in the recent past.

    You can visit a local beauty supply store for a waterless shampoo, most likely to come in a bottle and you don't have to rinse.  They were developed for hospital patients who were bedridden and they work quite well.

    If all else fails, sprinkle a little talc into the hair close to the roots, rub it in to absorb as much head oil as possible and then comb or brush out.

    I hope if he washes his hair he isn't violating the intended "no shower" rule to remain pure.  Why doesn't he just bend over the sink or tub and wash his hair if he is allowed to shampoo at all?  Just a thought.


    dry shampoo

  6. Talcum powder brushed through the hair absorbs the oils.  I have used this tip on my dark hair when I have been running late in the morning and it works, you just have to brush it out well.

  7. Baby powder works for absorbing the oils, it may not make the hair look as clean as it would it he actually washed it, but it's better than nothing just make sure he doesn't use too much

  8. Look for a dry shampoo at your local drug store.

    Also, put baby powder on a brush, and have him brush his hair with it. The baby powder absorbs the oils, smells good, and disappears in his hair. Just be careful - if you use too much at a time, you can start to see it.  

  9. there are dry shampoos my coz's son had to use it when he had ear surgery i am sure u can find it at walmart if not go to a local drugstore and see if they have it i cant remember the name but i know hospitals use it for ppl that r bed stricken

  10. baby powder. it will absorb the oil and help with the smell. also i believe they still sell powder or dry shampoos. check your local drug store. im pretty sure i saw it last summer around here.

  11. Yea,

    theres dry shampoo.

    or spray in

    like this:

    You can get it at Walgreens.

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