
Can you compost (news)paper, cardboard and used biodegradable kitty litter?

by  |  earlier

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Hope so, but not sure of any problems with chemical additives.




  1. Not the kitty litter.  Cats are meat eaters and their waste should not be added to the compost.  Even if you have your cat on a vegetarian diet I would investigate before composting.  They have certain parasites in their waste that may not be killed in the heat of the compost.

  2. Sparty is wrong ,all over the world are compost toilets for people who are also meat eaters and their p**p is a lot bigger than cats,

    and these make a rich black soil you can put your nose in

    bones,treetrunks,cardboard,eggshells,o...         clothes(if they are organic),p**p,leaves,kitchen waste,foodscraps,newspaper,

    your mother inlaw and kitty litter

    and even the dead cat

    All can be put on the compost heap

    as long as you seal it with a covering of leaves .or put a piece of plastic on top ,

    keep it moist and in the shade ,it will then get hot enough   to kill all parasites

    the worms will devellop,and take care of everything ,the moisture helps decomposition

    the plastic keeps in the moisture and protects the worms from predators .like chickens ,birds armadillos,and even dogs .i have seen going in to eat my worm culture

    you could  add a bit of lime now and again

    to make the process more potent

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