
Can you control what you like/dislike?

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My mom always tells me how its my own fault I don't like certain foods, I don't think I'm purposely hating hamburgers, but shes convinced that you can control what you like.

Opinions and Facts welcome.




  1. You taste is controlled within your taste buds. If you don't like hamburgers, you don't like hamburgers. She might be upset because you might've liked hamburgers at one point and suddenly decided they tasted nasty. This is common as well, since every 7 years the human body generates new cells, and new taste buds. You start liking stuff you used to hate, and you start hating stuff you used to like.

  2. WHAT?! Your mom is wierd of course you cant control it, your taste buds may change but that doesnt mean you have changed your mind and decided to like something. I never used to eat mushrooms as a kid now i love them. Anyway its good to hate hamburgers there bad for you.

  3. Tell her to pick up a biology book and flip to the section on taste buds and the brain. No, you can't control what you like and dislike, short of just forcing yourself to be exposed to something too much, which usually backfires and makes you hate it even more. I hate hamburgers, too. They have a nasty texture and I can't help but realize I'm chewing some dead cow's flesh.

  4. I wish I didn't eat much meat when i was younger because i didn't like it and caused my body to stop growing I was to be 5'2 but I am only 4'11. Tell your mother you can't my mom tried to force me to eat meat that i didn't like too.

  5. Of course you can control what you like or dislike. But so what if you don't like hamburgers, it's not like they're black people...

    Edit: I keep getting thumbs down, I guess allot of people must not like black people...

  6. You should ask her if she likes all vegetables & healthy foods...after all, if it is indeed so eay to control what you like and dislike to eat, why wouldn't you make yourself enjoy healthy foods in particular?

  7. humm interesting question. I think to some degree what we like or dislike is a choice rather than instinct. I'd prefer to trust my body an what it wants or doesn't want. But in the event of addictions like sugar salt, coffee etc. Our body tells us we like it but in fact it is bad for us. So in answer to your question it's a half right and and half wrong statement.  

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