Can you control your dreams ? I do not know if you can, its confusing. I struggle to control my dreams in my dreams but at the same time I am telling my mind that I struggle. So that is what happens . If you can control your dreams I do not know how because dreams seem extremely temperamental and unbalanced to me. They are like hyper active thoughts if you ask me. What if I was more confident or ....something....could I control my dreams ?
Or are dreams just manifestations from the mind ?
I do not even know if you think you are controlling your dreams if you are actually doing so. I know that sounds strange, but I am so confused here. IS controlling your dreams possible but done all outside of dreaming ? Do I need to change my life style and live differently to "create" my desired dreams or will my dreams always spawn from repression and hidden psychologies. ?
I think I said , asked enough, this is about sleeping dreams but aspirations .