
Can you control your emotions???

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Can you control your emotions???




  1. some people can but I'm not one of them

  2. Why bother?

    At one stage I hate having emotions. But now I love to have emotions. And I like those who do!!

  3. 50:50. Emotions is a part of myself. It's the sign that i still a normal living human who knows how to release all the tense, anger, sadness, joyful and woman's typical feelings. If i'm cool with everything, i think i m a zombie!

  4. Fairly well if I put my mind to it, especially anger, frustration and sadness. And particularly in the presence of my children. Luckily, these negative emotions dissipate quickly...

    However, I have to work harder to hide my fears. I think it shows... :-(

  5. ..of coz...look b4 u leap....think twice....plan your tat u will not come into situations where u have to decide whether to follow yr heart or yr mind....

  6. No ! I love love love lurrrve... YAM !!

  7. whenever i think my emotion is stirred,, i just keep this sayings in my mind,,

    'Strength is nothing than how well you hide the pain'

    it sure helps.  

  8. At times yes. Just walk away from the confrontation or inhale deeply and remind myself to keep cool. Ohterwise, hit something

  9. Not really. Emotions are spontaneous reactions to certain things. You can numb yourself to them, or try to ignore them. The one thing you can control is how you express them.  

  10. yeah..  

  11. yes for me

    no for u

    u know y?

    coz i made yall like that

  12. no, some people are very senitive or not. I know some guys who dont cry at all.

  13. most of the time yes..

  14. its depends how strong my emotion...

  15. no

  16. I have a good talent hiding my real emotions and feelings so that the people think i am not affected but inside my heart wants to explode!

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