
Can you control your own dreams,I can?

by Guest32217  |  earlier

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I can control my own dreams.The ones that i can remember i control.If my dream turns nasty i just wake my self up or jump to another dream.It took me years to control my own dreams.Some of my good dreams are so good there beyond description.Its like going on a fantastic holiday.Flying no problems.Swimming though the sea no problems.Its like another world.What your dreams like




  1. i can wake myself up too but i can't jump dreams

  2. I do not doubt your ability to control some elements of some of your dreams, but I do doubt the ability to completely control all elements of all dreams.

    This is untestable, so it just comes down to, "I know I do just because I know I do."  For example, how do you know you are driving the dream rather than just possessing an awareness of what's happening and only perceiving control?

    Personally, I am apparently able to control some aspects of some dreams.  But then for me that's the fun of dreaming.  It's the brain's chance to cut loose for a while.

  3. I have had this annoying habit of recognizing in a dreams when the physics of the situation does not match reality. Like when I was driving in my dream and hit a train knocking it partially off the track. I knew my insurance was going to be a problem but then I realized that my car could not have moved that train that much then I realize that this is a dream and then I could relax and enjoy the rest of the show.

    Now when I am in a life threatening situations, especially in the nude I realize, "duh this is a dream", then I can fly to safety.

    I did have one dream that did help me. I was in dream assisting in an aortic aneurysm repair. (as serious operation as they get)I had never done that before. I am a gynecologist. I was given this clamp to hold. It held the aorta closed. I knew that if I held it too tightly,it would crush the aorta and the repair could not be successful and if i held it too loosely the patient would bleed to death in a moment. It was a nightmare, I awoke drenched in sweat.

    The very next night, I was in the O.R. holding that clamp but this time it was for real !!! It was much easier in real life. Though the situation was the same I learned that no matter how bad things are in real life they are much worse in the dreams. From then on, I control the direction my dreams take and strangely I am still so strongly bonded to my wife that I say no to all the girls of my dreams.

  4. This is a well-known phenomenon.  Anyone interested should just do a Google search on "lucid dreaming".


  5. i can but it's more like natural ability that i have since very young do you have dream premonitions ever? my projections are sometimes nasty sometimes I'm in my own reality what i meant in my house but somehow diff sometimes i can even meet my friends but on rare occasion i go etheric cause if you ever went astral with your body knowing it you going to see spirits entity's and your physical is going to be aware of it but things that i saw weren't good since I'm trying not to be aware and sometimes other who astral projects can come in your projection and you're totally aware of it when you wake up and i see my self flying to cool wright

  6. Yes, but I  have hard time controlling when I'm deperessed. Well it happened this morning, was naked in dream and was about to be discovered by two men but somehow had clothes the next seconds and was eating ice cream that I was craving from the night before.

    And I know what you mean having the greatest dream you can imagine! I love escaping to my dream you know run away from reality for a little while:)

    But when I'm really in a slump I can't move my body and can't breathe. Scary really but other than that bring it on!

  7. i wish i could dream once in a while i do but it lasts like a half hour... =( how do you do it?

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