
Can you convince me that there are other life forms in outer-space?

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Please convince me that UFO's and all of that stuff is real.

I want to be enlightened.




  1. I just got done playing this video game called Starocean 3 and there are hundreds of earthlike planets out there in just this galaxy alone.

  2. UFO = Unidentified Flying Object.  If you ever see anything flying in the sky and you can't identify it, that makes it a UFO.

    Life forms in outer-space is currently impossible to prove or disprove.  We are a remote solar system in a remote galaxy in the universe.

  3. Well, I believe that UFOs are real enough, simply because of what UFO stands for. (UFO: Unidentified Flying Object. In other words, something that's flying and you don't know what it is.) But regarding other life forms, a question comes to my mind: Who died for them? I know who died for human beings, but who died for the Martians (or whichever race)?  

  4. When we go to the moon we are strange creatures with a flying machine. Thus, "aliens" and "UFO's" exsist.

  5. Isn't Star Trek a documentary?

  6. okay, so my cousin told me yesterday that NASA just recently revealed some kind of transcripts of the first few missions into space (he saw it on the news). and in it there were like ships following the spaceship for a few days, and then they left. idk how true it is, but I would think it would be interesting to try to look up.  

  7. believe in the force,

    let the force take you,

    belief is hard to prove

  8. the heart of the problem is like the X-Files poster "I Want To Believe".

    science isn't about 'wants', it's about what 'is'.

    I 'want' a flying car.

    you 'want' Star Trek to be real.

    Science says, "Okay, buster, SHOW me an alien."

  9. it took me almost 30 years to decide on this...

    but i have a confession to make..

    i know after this moment,

    after answering this question on yahoo,

    my life would change...i might be arrested or secretly abducted by the C.I.A or the pentagon or whomever...they might trace my location and where i work or where i parents tried to hide this for almost 50 years since the first recorded u.f.o crash.. my parents would kill me   but i got to be brave..okay this is it...

    i belong to the 31st generation of secret society of non human inhabitants here on earth.. in short am an alien...we didnt come from mars but life once existed in mars as our ancestor told us back in our home planet..we look like humans not as you see in televisions the only difference is our eyes so we need to conceal it in a matter too complicated to explain to you.. why r we here? thats the question am forbidden to answer..


  10. of course their are: thats were we get Iphone, PSP, and batter powered

  11. I can't convince you of anything.  You become convinced or not depending on how you weigh the arguments for and against.

    The ONLY evidence for their being extraterrestrial life is: 1. Life on Earth (existence proof), 2. organic molecules in outer space (obiquitousness of organics) and 3. the sheer numbers of other stars in the universe (probability).

    This argument is for "life" only, not for technological life.  That has a much more tenuous claim.

  12. Nope =] But it doesn't mean there aren't.

  13. You cant really be convinced, but i personally find it hard to belive that we are the only planet that can hold life forms in the millions and millons of galaxys in space.

    How can we make judgements about things we have not explored?

  14. Life forms, yes. We don't know whether life on earth was generated from non-life or was transported from space originally. (Of course, somewhere in the past, life must have spawned from non-life.)

    Our science is finding that conditions for life may exist on half the surfaces where we have landed probes that can look for it. (The moon, no, Mars, yes.) And we've found planets around a significant number of stars where the conditions are suitable for detecting them.  

    With those conditions, the possibility that life exists only here on Earth and nowhere else seems way more unlikely than the possibility of life elsewhere.

    UFOs however...

    Unidentified Flying Objects have many potential explanations that do not involve extraterrestrial intelligent beings bounding by for a visit.

    Given the distances, energy and time requirements for extraterrestrial intelligent beings to visit us, they must be much more technologically advanced than us, so why would they be interested in visiting us? Maybe we are like a zoo to them?

    Also, only one species on our planet of millions of species has developed sufficient technology to send messages and/pr travel beyond our atmosphere, and that only in the last century. But in five centuries we have evidently been able to create the seeds of destruction to our own species and most others. Will we survive another millennium or will we advance enough to star-travel. And would this problem be encountered by most intelligent species in our universe. I have no idea!

  15. who knows. there might be there might not be. the universe is pretty vast. the solar system we live in is just one galaxy out of billions. i would think there are other life forms, but thats just my opinion.

  16. You have three completely separate questions.

    Last one first:  if you want to be enlightened then you will accept the truth no matter what it turns out to be, and accept logically-reasoned answers and evidence whether you like them or not.  Enlightenment does not mean heaping up the semblance of support for a predetermined belief; it means to shed superstition in favor of reality.

    First one next:  I can provide a brief argument.  Whether it convinces you is up to you.  Simply put, what is your estimate of the likelihood, among the absurdly large number of stars and planets, that the number of life-bearing planets is EXACTLY one?

    Now the middle one:  There is no evidence that UFOs have anything to do with life in outer space.  There are only people desperately trying to attribute UFOs to space aliens.  Yes, people see things they aren't sure of.  To say they're alien spaceships is to jump to a very remote conclusion.

    EDIT 1:

    Regarding NASA transcripts:  none have been "recently" revealed; they have all been available since shortly after the missions were completed.  The earliest Apollo transcripts are full of typos because they were being typewritten and published so fast.

    UFO believers commonly argue that Apollo 11 was followed by alien spacecraft.  In fact what they were seeing was a portion of their spacecraft called the SLA, the housing from the top of the rocket that contained the LM and was jettisoned shortly after they left Earth orbit.

    Although the crew has confirmed this a number of times, UFO enthusiasts prefer their own interpretation of the cryptic communications.  The crew says they kept their communications cryptic precisely so the UFO nuts wouldn't try to latch onto it and make it into something it wasn't.  Real spacefarers are frankly fed up with UFO nuts trying to second-guess them and co-opt their stories for their own twisted agendas.

  17. The best arguments i've heard are that UFOs - aliens visiting us now, are not real.  Some convincing evidence would change my mind.  The best arguments are in Sagan's book, The Demon Haunted World, available in your local library.

    The best arguments i've heard are that intelligent life exists in our galaxy.  I'm not sure what evidence might change my mind.  Certainly, evidence that such life exists would be very nice.  But i already think it's highly likely.

  18. Start with the book, The chariots of the gods.  Then learn the Lorenz Time contraction theory.  Then read what Einstien wrote about general relativity.  Then read the bible.

    The bible tells stories of vehicles and ETs that we accredit as dieties. Read Genesis where the "sons of God took daughters of men".  Who are the sons of god?  How does the same God watch over many generations of a family?  Was the story of Genesis a story of an alien bloodline.  According to Einstein, travel fast enough and your time slows down.  Perhaps God, Lord God, and God All Mighty were sons of the original "creator" or hybrid scientist between Aliens and one of our  "missing link".

    Kind of explains why God cast Lucifer out of his spaceship, oh heaven, when Lucifer thought himself as most "beautiful" or do we dare say genetically perfect.

    So from Adam and Eve to Jesus, we have a clear bloodline.  Notice that after Jesus, no one ever talks to God?

    UFOs are not necessarily other beings from outer space.

    I think the people of the future figured out how to go back in time.  The devil is another traveler who is the nemessis of God.  We have more testimonies of modern UFO sighting, encounders, and abductions, than all of the bibles claims of people talking to god.

  19. no one can convince you of that. You either believe it or not.

    There is water on other planets though, so it its possible

  20. whats going on in area 51? whay does nasa get so much money for c**p projects? what about sightings? are we the only ones in foreverness?

  21. Sorry, since UFOs and all that other ET stuff is not real, I can't convince you that its real.

    Enlightenment comes from knowing the truth, not from accepting mass hallucinations and myths

  22. I can't convince you because I don't know that there are. There might be, but if there are they are not visiting Earth in space craft that get reported as UFOs. That is the reality. But I bet that isn't what you want to hear.

  23. Can you convince me that there are other life forms in outer-space: A meteorite was discovered with DNA strains in it. Strains that could have developed life on earth along with the find of unknown DNA.

    UFOs are unidentified flying objects and could be many possibilities. In Area 51 we have reverse engineered technology found from crashes of Alien spacecraft.(as Roswell) We as a society, reap the benefits in their inventions that make our lives easier. (an example is said to be the computer chip) Our military have now developed crafts that may be identified UFOs.(oxymoron)

    What explains cow mutilations. How parts have been surgically harvested and carcases totally drained of blood.

    What explains the many abduction experiences. Some are graphic experiences resulting in trauma. Is thousands of reports all hallucinations.

    In the same logic reasoning: there are millions of stars so therefore there must be other life out there. Also, there are thousands of UFO reports, there must be at least one Alien visitation..

  24. no because i dont believe in them

  25. If I had to guess, I would say that there is only primitive life on other planets. But honestly I have no idea, I don't think anyone really does. Maybe there's no life at all, maybe there's life far more intelligent than us.

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