
Can you correct my English please ?

by  |  earlier

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I need to pass the 'TEFL Certificate' so I contacted a private school. They made me pass a little exam to test my English level. I did it yesterday and the school will let me know the results Tuesday afternoon. Those results will depend on how long I'll need to study with them: Bad results = long time, Good = short time. And time is money in a private school... :)

Please can you correct it for me ? (it's a pretty easy test) I made it in 20 minutes I think you'll need even less than 5 minutes to locate the mistakes. I just can't wait to know them.

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Thank you very much




  1. I could help you however you need to make the test bigger. I am having trouble viewing it on my computer!

  2. k...I found 6 that I'm pretty sure are wrong - 23 should be opening, 25 hasn't he, 26 arrested, 34 mustn't, 39 'm used to driving, and 40 left

    there were a couple I am not sure about, because I'm from the US and we probably speak differently here.

    But I think those six are wrong.

    Good luck!

  3. 4.   should be  "What"

    23. should be "opening"

    25. "hasn't"

    34. "mustn't"

    39. "  'm used to driving"

    Other than that, looks pretty good.

  4. no can do

  5. Part 1-

    #4 is What

    Part 2-

    #23 is opening

    #34 is mustn't

    #39 is 'm used to driving

  6. Part One: you got 4 and 9 wrong

    Part 9: 23, 25, 26, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40 wrong

  7. no

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