
Can you creative writers help me with an idea ?

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For school I have to write a page story. I am supposed to be an indian and I have to tell how the "myth" started or whatever about why we say cheese when we take pictures.


how the sport of football was invented.

It doesnt have to make sence, but could you help me with an idea? Thanks if you can!




  1. The cheese one sound interesting!  The basic idea is just think of some thing random that involves cheese.  

  2. some guys got a pigs gut, stuffed it with straw and decided to kick it about. lol. i think that might be true XD

  3. A myth, all right. This is a pretty spunky prompt, have fun with it.

    I'll give you an idea for the first to start.

    The white man brought cheese to the native americans, and this tribe loved it so much that any opportunity to eat cheese was a blessing (it was expensive for them).

    So in result, any time an Indian was content with himself he would say, Cheese in a longing manner. Therefore, when cameras came about, (the white men heard of this tradition), people would say Cheese to affirm their satisfaction.

  4. hmm. Cheese.

    You could create a story about when the first picture was to be taken, they tried to take a picture of a girl who NEVER smiled. (just stay with me). Anyways, this girl didn't like anything but cheese! But, since there was a "cheese famine" in the land, she was as depressed as can be. And when the people taking the first picture EVER found a small piece of cheese, they figured they could use it to make the girl smile. So as they pleaded her to smile, and as she persisted on not smiling, they brought out the last resort. And as soon as she saw the cheese, her face brightened up as she called out for the cheese! The people were finally able to take a picture of the girl with a smile. (haha. i think it's pretty clever.)



  5. you find a flower and it is a tradition to pass it to each other and by accident someone hits it into the hut and everyone cheers.

    instead of flowers you make a ball.


    Good luck mate!

  6. The football "urban legend" is that it was started by Vikings kicking around the skulls of their dead enemies. May as well put a twist on that one.

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