
Can you dab lemon juice on your face after you wash it?

by  |  earlier

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umm, i need to get rid of mild acne. :) plus can you udab lemon juice on after you wash and moisturize?




  1. Ik something that does work put honey over a zit and itll basically dissapear.

  2. idk about that but i'll inform you with something else

    wash your face with natural honey (warm water, then cold)

    Then get cucumber / cucumber juice and apply it to your face.

    It cleans and moisturizes :)

    first make sure you're not allergic though

  3. google up home remedies and see what pops up.

    if you have a pimple that you want gone really fast dab some honey on it and cover it with a band-aid.

  4. yes you could do that but I don't know how much it would do. :D

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