
Can you dance a waltz to shania twain's 'from this moment on'?

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I am learning from a youtube clip how to dance the waltz (the box step). I wanted to know does that dance style fit the song, 'from this moment' by shania twain? while practicing the step i couldnt really get in rhythm with the song. perhaps i'm doing it wrong, or perhaps the song doesn't fit the step. any thoughts?




  1. It's in cut time, not waltz time. You can practice your box step, but you'll need to change the timing. Try dancing in Slow, Quick, Quick rhythm, a slow step taking two beats of music and a quick taking one beat. The tempo's a bit awkward, but it can be done. I'd recommend practicing waltz to music in waltz time, though. For a good sampling of clips in the proper time and tempo, try .

    Please tell me you're actually taking lessons and not trying to DIY with YouTube or something silly like that.

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