
Can you debunk or validate this ghost footage?

by  |  earlier

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I was looking through some of the ghost stuff on YouTube (a lot of which is funny and done in good humor), but then I found this one, which I'm really not sure about.

We see the shadowy figure of the camera operator, and we also see what looks to be the ghost of a girl. Honestly, I'm stumped. I've never seen video footage like this, and so my gut says "faked" but there's still enough to it that I can't completely dismiss it, either.

Anyone with ideas for or against, please help me!




  1. i believe there is some form of paranormal activity in this clip but i can't explain it completely

  2. Just looked silly to me. I wouldn't worry about it there are plenty of real ghost pictures to look at.

  3. First it's just a woman cooking or something and then its either a really big doll or a little girl. Make the women shoot fire out of her face and the girl turn her head around clockwise and we'll talk. ( ;

  4. The power of suggestion is very strong. Pointing out what you are supposed to be seeing by circling it is a largely a trick. Notice, that it isn't obvious what you're seeing at first, but as you continue to look at the footage, these images become more and more apparent. The same phenomenon is apparent when listening to backwards music. It sounds like gibberish but once someone suggests to you what the words are, you can't help but hear them.

    This involves the part of the brain that looks for patterns. It is what the brain does and it can be fooled. Simple optical illusions are a prime example.

  5. Notice when the girl was looking in the window near the front door, and the person filming the whole thing went closer to investigate, the girl ( in solid form like a human girl) turned to her right and walked away.

    Then the film breaks, and all we see is some man positioning himself at his stairs looking around.

    Why didn't they show the front door being opened and filming as he was going down the stairs to investigate?

    Looks like a hoax to me.

    Plus of all the apparition films out there, have you ever seen one standing competly still without disolving into thin air after a few seconds?

    For having 15 years of paranormal experience, I thought you'd pick up on that.

  6. Gotta tell ya Red, I am not feeling this as a ghost video. It would help if I had more background on the story, but the litle girl just doesn't seem like the ghost. The camera stumbles upon her and zooms in, ok thats fine I could believe that, but why would he turn around? wouldn't the man want to get closer to where the little girl was first seen, instead of turning around? I personally think its either a little girl that they dressed in the white and had another girl waiting where the camera man turned. To me it just seemed to well staged, if ya know what I mean. Anywho, non ethe less very cool video!

  7. I believe this one to be a hoax.  Out of all the video images I have ever seen that would have been considered authentic, this one has one difference that makes it appear fake.  It does not actual movement and it just stays stationary.  That does not happen with other footage I think is a bit more credible.

  8. It just looks like a little girl standing there. There's absolutely nothing to suggest it's anything other than a flesh-and-blood little girl standing in a room. There's nothing paranormal about that! If you're suggesting she appears to move position when the camera pans round, there's a rather suspicious dissolve effect during the pan that suggests they are actually two separate pieces of footage. Having done a little amateur film work in the past, I know perfectly well that you can disguise the jump between two separate shots with a whip-pan (very fast panning motion). And I can't see *anything* in the final shot.

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