
Can you debunk this "angel photo"?

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  1. Having worked with photography before (I spent about 8 years in publishing) I can say conclusively that this is a multiple exposure. The blurring isn't actually a blurring, it's a double image or more.

    Not knowing more about the situation or the equipment used, this is the "best guess" as to what happened: in mechanical cameras (which still use film and thus require a set of gears to advance it to the next frame), failure of the gears to "catch" can result if the camera is jarred or if heat, moisture, etc., become an issue inside of the enclosure (and cameras used in hunting blinds are indeed enclosed).

    Additionally, such issues can be temporary in nature, and so a single image could appear on one roll of film.

    There are lots of explanations that could be offered, but there just isn't enough data presented on the conditions in order to be able to conclude anything much.

    What I can conclude is that the image on the camera is definitely multiple exposure because of the way in which things are blurred.

  2. Funny how you can't see the foliage because of the blue smudge.

    I looked at it for about 5 minutes.

    What came to my mind is that it reminds me of a movie where the film is slowed down, frame by frame.

    And if you look at the "action" of the figure left to right, it almost looks like a person has his back to us, taking a sword and swinging it from left to right, decapitating the head just right and down a little of where the blue figures' head should be.

    But then again, maybe I could use more coffee........

  3. Show me other pictures from the camera at the same time of day - it could be as simple as a smudge on the lens causing a ghosting image in the center of the picture.

  4. Nope but I've seen far better.

  5. I dont imagine angels really look as hollywood depicts them.

  6. I think there's a ufo in the background too, it's behind the bushes, the same color as the fat angel, you can just see a part of the rim.

  7. A  "motion sensored hunting tree cam"...???

    Since when did trees move.....and who hunts trees anyway??

    ( its a joke people )

  8. I don't know that it is an angel, but it is an interesting photo.

  9. Hmmm, I dont think that it is easily debunkable, the color in the background is same as the colour of the ghost, seems like the editor was running out of colors so picked out from the background, and look at its feet the grass detail was just too much for the guy so he left that out with white spots !

    But then theres that extreme transeparency  in its body allowing us to see the green trees in the back, and there also seems to be a glare on the elbow ! eh. and believe me its not a photographic smudge, wudge or wat ever !, so u should decide ! I do believe in angels but I personally believe that its not the one.hmmmm,

  10. its darth sidious from star wars. or maybe its the grim reaper?

  11. Since hunting cameras are digital, that picture could have easily been created using Photoshop. It looks like the "angel" image has had its opacity dialed down, been treated with a blue tint, carefully cut out and placed on top of the landscape.

    That website provides no proof other than "Look at it. It looks real!" Just browse some of the other "incredible" photos on there then read about pareidolia ( ). It appears as if any photo posted to that website can't be explained by pareidolia, then image editing software is likely in use. Heck, they even point out some of the most ludicrous ones (like the one of Tinkerbell sitting on someone's shoulder).

    EDIT: Also, hunting cameras are left for long periods of time to photograph a collection of time-specific activity. So, they usually have the date and time stamped into every photo. This further leads me to believe that this image has been altered and possibly cropped.

  12. Based on colors and background.  Time elapsed, I.e., very slow shutter speed (trees blury).  Colors are off, notice on the left, in background the colors in the background are also blue.

    Based on orientation, the 'angel' would be 9+ feet tall and WAY over weight.

    In addition, the 'angel' is not standing upright either.  He's slanted to the left by 15 degrees.  Trees grow straight up (in most cases), in this case there are many.

    Also, right smack in the center of the angel (lower) is an artifact of an "elongated black slant, actually a few black spots [shown in closeup]".  If that is present, the angel has a "hole" in his/her dress.  LOL.

    I don't claim to know what it is, but the black spots in the lower dress have something to do with it.  The photo does not state if the wildlife camera has a flash.  If it did, I would say fog, dust devil with flash (camera), which would hold up to wind theory (i.e., dust devil - trees blowing/blury).

    Care and good luck.

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