
Can you define a fortunate wife.....?

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from your experience.... define a wife can be called as fortunate because of her husband?




  1. A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.

  2. Who has a dedicated husband.


  3. well a fortunate husband is the one who can earn more than his wife spends and a fortunate wife is the one who is able to find such a husband.................

  4. One who Married/begat children/took the money and RAN

  5. The one who cares for her husband and family and equally or more important they care for her!

  6. I'm fortunate to have my husband. It's up to the individual really, I do not think there is a rulebook out there. What's your wife think? The only true answer is in her heart and mind. Maybe you will never know. Point is, what is deemed fortunate to her is for her to decide, not you. Good luck.

  7. Both are equal in being able to be fortunate to have the other... I believe a good relationship (one that each balance the other) shows that both are fortunate to have found each other... and to be able to build on that relationship. No one is perfect so if you have a good wife or husband... your both fortunate!

  8. NO. The wife can not be called fortunate because of her husband; however, the husband can be called fortunate because of his wife.

  9. I have a good husband and so am fortunate in that respect.

    He is darned lucky to have me though!

    There are more facets than that though. People make their own fortunes, whatever they may be.

  10. It is a healthy,peaceful and loving family which makes a couple fortunate.

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