
Can you define personal freedom?

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Can you define personal freedom?




  1. the ability do do anythiing you want

  2. Personal freedom is not being able to do whatever you want. That would be omnipotence. Only possible if what you want is reality itself.

    Personal freedom is the freedom of thought and intention - the roots of which are in what you want. All attempts to GET what you want are limited to the confines of reality.

    Free will. Literally: The freedom to want.

    What you want defines who you are. You are free to define yourself.

  3. The only real freedom is the one inside yourself.

    Get out of your little cage,think outside the box,then you're on the way to freedom.

  4. Personal freedom is the ability to do what you please ---- as long as doing what you please does not infringe on another's personal freedoms!

  5. I don't think we're ever really free until we're dead. We're all bound by something or another, whether it is our spouse, children, job, parents, mortgage, whatever...

    I wont be free until I find a decent paying job...right now I'm bound by my student debt, overdraft and credit cards!

  6. Dear friend,

    To exercise freedom in the social set up of the life, is personal freedom. Personal freedom doesn't allow you to flaw the set rules of the social set up.  

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