
Can you define resolving power, working distance and field of microscope?

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Can you define resolving power, working distance and field of microscope?




  1. Resolving power is the ability of the components of an imaging device to measure the angular separation of the points in an object. The term resolution or minimum resolvable distance is the minimum distance between distinguishable objects in an image, although the term is loosely used by many users of microscopes and telescopes to describe resolving power.

    In scientific analysis the term "resolution" is generally used to describe the precision with which any instrument measures and records (in an image or spectrum) any variable in the specimen or sample under study.

    Working Distance : Working distance is the distance between the objective lens and the specimen. At low magnification the working distance is relatively long. As you increase the magnification the working distance decreases dramatically. Oil immersion lenses pactically touch the specimen. Be aware of this change in working distance with increasing magnification so as to prevent damage to your specimens

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