
Can you define smug? and give an example.?

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Can you define smug? and give an example.?




  1. Stuck up, vain, someone who thinks they are the best !

    example: He is so smug, he looks down on everyone as if they were insects or something !

  2. Satisfaction from 'knowing' that you live life correctly; unlike many other people.

    I know someone like that and she makes statements, on how to live, that are obviously from agony aunt columns.

    I find that real achievers aren't usually smug. They occupy their minds more usefully.

  3. The trouble though is that most people that refer to others as Smug are inadequate, under confident, insecure underachievers who resent success in those that are studious, hardworking and confident enough to achieve goals. That Smug label is a subjective tag that demonises, criticises and undermines what is essentially good because the weak and envious can,t cut the mustard, so those that can are labelled smug. So people really need to do some honest self-reflection before pointing fingers and stop blaming those they feel heighten their insecurities.

  4. self satisfied, content that one has done better than someone else, and the other person is not doing so well. Those gits on Eggheads, they to me define smug.

  5. Smug-  ( adj.) a person's self centered satisfaction with self or situation.

    He sat there with smug look of contentment on his face as he watched the others fail.

  6. showing off whilst being pleased with them selves, arrogence really

  7. someone thats always right, and boy do they know it!!!

  8. Pleased with oneself.

    The cat that got the cream - they do say.

    I quite like smugness in a body - its cute-

    Only becomes a problem when it is used to try to make other people feel jealous.

    I am smug when I have got my washing in just before it rains - It doesnt have to be against any one else

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