
Can you depend on charts generated by a site on the internet... which site do you think is best?

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I used to draw up natal charts the old-fashioned way, which took a fair bit of time so computer programs and internet sites that generate them in seconds are great... I generally use and I have tried other house systems but the equal house system is the one that works best (in my opinion)

At the site listed above, I never, ever read the chart analysis as that would cloud my own reading. I always put Chiron in and I always, always make sure it is drawn up without aspect lines as they get in the way of my reading, too. I just do my own.

I've checked this site before to ensure that the charts it generates are correct. It has never been wrong, so far. But a Q posted here earlier puzzled me:;_ylt=Atgs1ICZjWZ.inOPbXOQcj7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080726042247AAH1iIV&show=7#profile-info-eJtynXxPaa

Is the chart I generated correct, given the info provided? It clearly shows Scorpio ascendant, whatever house system I enter.




  1. asdfa

  2. is the site I tend to use, it's been reliable enough and has locations already built in. I don't think you can choose the house system though. I try not to read the blurbs either because they contradict each other pretty badly.

  3. >Is the chart I generated correct, given the info provided? It clearly shows Scorpio ascendant, whatever house system I enter.<

    As it should.  Regardless of house system, the ASC and MC are the same for the time and place calculated.  The difference in quadrant house systems is how they determine the other cusps: 2,3,5,6,8,9,11, and 12.  

    I get an ASC of 26 LIbra using Solar Fire, but the chart service gives Aries rising.  I think latitude is the problem here.  As for Scorpio rising, I think you have the right idea, i.e. using a southern latitude, but you're using a different time zone (?). Solar Fire gives GMT - 13 hours, NZD time.

    Next I tried the data on Janus software.  The authors of this program live in New Zealand and that program gives the same ASC as Solar Fire.  So, I'm going with the people who know casting southern latitude charts best: the guys from New Zealand.

    Hope this helps

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