
Can you describe Nuclear energy?

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  1. i want to tell you three disadvantages about nuclear energy:
    1. nuclear energy plant will produce high low-level radioactive waste or spent fuel, although the size is a small, but with radiation, it requires careful consideration and face considerable political problems.
    2. nuclear energy plant thermal efficiency is lower than the average fossil fuel energy plants, therefore, emit more waste heat to the environment, so  thermal pollution is more serious.
    3. nuclear energy plant reactor a large number of radioactive material, if in the accident, it will release into the external environment, and damage the ecology and people.

  2. Changes can occur in the structure of the nuclei of atoms. These changes are called nuclear reactions. Energy created in a nuclear reaction is called nuclear energy, or atomic energy. Nuclear energy is produced naturally and in man-made operations under human control. Some nuclear energy is produced naturally. For example, the Sun and other stars make heat and light by nuclear reactions. Nuclear energy can be man-made too. Machines called nuclear reactors, parts of nuclear power plants, provide electricity for many cities. Man-made nuclear reactions also occur in the explosion of atomic and hydrogen bombs.

  3. how do you describe nuclear energy?

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