
Can you describe in detail your symptoms connected with Brain Freeze or Ice Cream Headache ?

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Brain Freeze from drinking slush drinks or eating ice.




  1. It feels like there is a clamp behind my eyes or someone's hand that is squeezing inside my head.  

  2. you get a brain freeze when the cold hits the roof of your mouth and goes directly to your brain which in turn swells for a short time. that really is a very uncomfortable feeling. total head rush

  3. big headache.


  4. My Symptoms from a brain freeze is an acute headache

    also, i have this sudden urge to leave wherever it is that i am at (like the room not he entire location)

    i dont know why but i have a physical and emotional reaction to a brain freeze.

    do you have that too?

  5. I first feel it in my teeth, then it goes all the way up to my brain, in the front my my head. Then I start shaking my head, trying to get it to go away, and eventually, it does.

  6. Brain freeze is a referred pain, meaning the sensation of pain is felt in the head, while the actual mechanism causing the pain is in the back of the throat.

    Eating/drinking a quantity of a very cold substance causes blood vessels at the back of the throat to constrict. Once the substance is swallowed, and therefore the source of cold taken away, the vessels begin to expand and a pain sensation accompanies the return of blood flow.

    Symptoms are usually pain in the head, eyes, teeth, or throat.

    To avoid brain freeze, drink/eat cold substances more slowly.

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