
Can you die from eating too much?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not talking about anything in particular but just food in general. I ate entirel WAAAY too much today and feel like I can't breathe and my chest hurts (maybe heartburn from the chili..haha). Anyways, I feel gross and am going into starvation mode first thing tomorrow morning.




  1. One day won't kill you, and there is no need to go into "Starvation Mode". Your body will just get confused and hang onto fat like it was a life preserver.  

  2. I would say yes however you would have to eat an ungodly amount of food i mean a c**p load it would take a crazy person to eat that much to the point there stomach burst open. Yes you just over ate and you feel abit sick its normal ive done it your not going to die just take some tums or something and wait it out youll be fine.

  3. unless you are upwards of 500 lbs your not going to die.  

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