
Can you die from panic attacks?

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About a year ago, I started getting what I would later find out were "anxiety attacks." At first it was very frustrating because I would wind up in the ER after believing I was having a heart attack, and of course tests revealed nothing was physically wrong. Since the first few, it's now developed into an everyday thing, and I have anxiety attacks waxing and waning all day long. Not always full-blown ones, sometimes I only get some of the symptoms, like the dizziness or the racing heartbeat but not the panic. Sometimes I get all. Thing is, on particular occasions I get worried because the attacks are so intense and it feels like one day my heart is just going to give out on me. I have worn a holter monitor for 24 hours, had an echo, and an EKG. Docs say my heart is perfectly healthy. But can anyone tell me if it is possible to develop a heart attack as a result of anxiety attacks?

A friend of mine says she had one and the ER docs said hers was so intense it was like a "pre heart attack." Maybe she was exagerrating, because I was under the impression a panic attack cannot kill you. But can you slip into a heart attack during one? This really causes me extra worry now.




  1. Omg, don't they suck? I went through the same thing, being hooked up to machines, etc. Wearing the holter monitor twice. I was told at one point that I had an occasionally irregular heartbeat, it would skip a beat some times. It felt like flip flopping in my chest. But I've also had the panic, the sweating, pain in my chest as my heart seems to be flopping around. It's horrible, especially if you're driving with your kids in the car. I breathe deep and even and think logical thoughts. It's not easy. But in the end, I was told that I absolutely was not going to drop dead anytime soon. It's been several years, and I no longer get them very often, and I'm sorry but I don't know the reason why. I'm just thankful.  

  2. No.  I have had a hundred panic attacks.  Unless you are very old and you have a bad heart, you can't die.  It causes your heart rate to rise and that would be bad if you don't do well with a high heart rate.  Would jumping rope kill you??  Then anxiety attacks won't.

    I would talk to a doc.  Not your friend.  He would know.

  3. Unless you suffer from another kind of disease, you cannot die from a panic attack itself. However, you can die from what you do when you're having it. Be careful.  

  4. A panic attack feels very severe with both physical and mental symptoms. Thought descriptions include feeling you're "losing control", "going crazy", "losing my mind", or "going to die". Physical symptoms include chest pain, sweating, breathlessness, faintness/dizziness and various other symptoms. Despite its severity, you cannot die, lose control or go crazy from a panic attack (unless you already have some other underlying disorder or medical condition).

  5. no u can't die from a panic attack.the worst that will happen is you pass out and wake up.

  6. The point is that while panic attacks can certainly be serious, they are not organ-threatening.

  7. You cannot die from a panic attack.  No one ever has.

    What you need to do is get into to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.  They have great medications now to help you with panic attacks.

    I am on Klonopin .5 mgs 4 times a day and Prozac 80 mgs per day.  

    Also if you need to talk, please feel free to e-mail me at

  8. yes.. it can change to heart attack.. like my one panic attack was so intense i got into CCU and doctor said it was minor heart attack..

  9. No, you can't. I know it feels like it but you can't. I have panic/anxiety disorder so I get what you're feeling.

    The reason why your chest is banging so hard is because your body is in "fear" mode. Have you ever been walking along and almost got hit by a car or something similar to that? You jump back, your heart races, your skin tingles a little bit and you're out of breath. Sound familiar? You say this is going on almost every day now and for long periods of time. That is because you are continuing the fear response...but you don't know it. You're hyperventilating even though you may not feel you are. You need to learn to help control your breathing when the panic comes on. It can help you get through it. it's called "belly breathing".

    To learn how to do this, lay down on your back with your hand on your chest. Relax. Breathe in through your nose and out through your can make a "sssss" noise if this helps. Take a normal breath. Can you feel how your chest rises? OK. That is how people normally breathe. Now put your hand on your belly. Relax. Breathe in through you nose and push out your belly until you can feel it rise. Pause. Then exhale through your mouth and let your belly "deflate". This is belly breathing and can help you calm down and control the hyperventilating  which causes the banging heart beat feeling in your chest and the dizziness, etc. I know belly breathing is a little weird...but have you ever watched babies breathe? They breathe with their bellies all the time. :)

    this is a good site to go to: It's Dr Carbonell's website and he is a doc who specializes in panic/anxiety. I have two of his books/workbooks. They are short, easy to read, fast to read and are written as if he's talking to medical speak. He explains what's happengin to your body when panic comes along.

    You should also see a doc who specializes in panic. They can help you too. I have to take a little meds to keep thigns at a normal level. It's not a cure but it helps me to be able to handle the attacks when they come.

    Email me if you need some more help. I really understand where you're at...and I've had to go to quite a few ER's before I figured out what the heck was going on. :)  

  10. yes

  11. im sure you can die from almost everything

    some people (like me) have breathing problems and heart beating faster and symptoms like that

    i always feel like im having a heat attack but my doctor says it doesnt really hurt my heart

    i wouldnt worry if i were you but if your really worried ask your doctor

  12. You seen the movie Charlie Bartlett?

    You can't die from Panic Attacks.

  13. I dont think you can die from panic attacks unless oyu do have a really bad heart and health.

    Your best to a dr who can get you on an anti anxiety medication. It can work wonders for anxiety. Ive been living with these attacks all my life and meds get me through the day.

  14. Highly unlikely.

    Just don't worry, I used to suffer from panic attacks as well and I still suffer from shy bladder syndrome.  I know what you are going through.  Just keep your head high and you will overcome it.  I no longer suffer from my anxiety attacks and I am well on the way to overcoming my shy bladder.

    Think of it as a test.  Times are hard, but when you overcome it you will be that much stronger and confident! You can do it!

  15. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


  16. you can't die from a panic attack. but i WOULD talk to your doc about getting a kind of Valium like Lorazipam. It will definitely help with the anxiety.  

  17. yes...yes you can.  

  18. no, i dont think they can kill you.

  19. Panic attacks cannot kill you.  Your own body shuts you down to a normal level before you get to that point.  

  20. I had similar problems once and went to the ER as well.  I assure you that you will not die.  But you may feel like you are dieing due to the effects of hyperventilation.  The best thing you can do is blow into a bag, or blow into you your fist (not a joke this has the same effect as the bag).  This will help you regulate the amount of oxygen you have in your blood and you will soon stop feeling numb in your hands and a bit more relaxed.  Additionally you should have on hand some anti-anxiety medication such as Xanax.  Don't be afraid to tell your doctor that you have problems with anxiety and feel that medication might help...seriously Xanax is awesome and will calm you down fast.

    Years later I almost never get panic attacks...and since I know what they feel like anyway I don't get that "I'm going to die" feeling when it happens so I can avoid any expensive hospital trips.  

    Lots of luck to'll be fine though.

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