
Can you die if your car goes upside down?

by Guest55679  |  earlier

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can you die if your car goes upside down?




  1. You can....but if you're wearing your seatbelt it'll help a lot....and it's not the only way to die in a car.

  2. you CAN it doesnt mean u will

    its depends how secured u are (head restriant, seat belt) and if ur air bags were working properly. It also depends how servere the crash what speed....things like that

  3. Yes -you can die if your car goes sideways too...........

  4. sure that's one way

  5. yes

  6. Yes and you can also die if your car stays right-side-up if you hit something hard enough.

  7. Well yes you can.  If you are wearing your seat belt you will most likely not die for the car being upside down.

  8. Both Yes and No because it would depend on the situation.

  9. depends...

  10. Yes, very much so.  

    If the window is open or it breaks, your arm can be severed or just obliterated as the car rolls over it, and you'll bleed to death.

    You can hit your head and either die instantly, suffer severe brain damage and die later, break your neck and suffocate to death, or bleed to death.

    Landing upside down on the roof can crush it, and crush you, pulverizing your head and/or spinal cord.  

    Landing upside down could deform the doors such that even if you do survive you can't get out of the car.  If the car is on fire, you will die.

    If you flip a CONVERTIBLE without a roll bar, you not only CAN die, you WILL die.  

    Happy motoring.  Do you drive a really tall SUV or 15 passenger van?

  11. possibly, when you unlock your seatbelt.

  12. Depends, but it is a possibility. I know a friend that flip his car last week and the only injury he substained was that idiot trying to punch out the window when he could have let it up by turning on the switch.........but seat belt or no seat belt is important as well.

  13. Well , ive had that experience but im still here , so NO.

  14. duhhh

  15. Only if it kills you

  16. No, I can't.  The Weazel is immortal and would not be affected by some pathetic upside down car.

  17. yes.

    you can also live, i've rolled trucks, and sat upside down in there for a while waiting for jaws. and im fine.

  18. Not if you are not in it

  19. yes, but not all the time you could just get severly injured, but its never a sure thing you will die once your car goes upside down.

  20. Sometime....

    What saves your live when your car is upside down is head rest is must be the as high as your ears and wear seat belts.

  21. uh.. yes.

    it depends on how intense it is.

    you could get sunny side uped. pancaked. bamboozled. get the point?

  22. From a firefighter,  yes you can.  Its not like the movies when a car rolls over and the roof doesnt collapse.  This is because these cars have a roll cage.  In real life when a car rolls the rough collapses. Granted there are many different scenarios where you can survive. Wear a seat belt.

  23. yes, if you are wearing a seatbelt and the car is in the deep water

  24. some times.

    if you wore a seatbelt, you could have one of the two things.

    1. Get cot (sp?)in your strap and choke to death

    2. Bounce off your seatbelt and grab the seat.

    If you weren't

    1. You would hit your head.

    2. The air bag would cushion you and you would be safe

  25. Possibly, or you can be seriously injured, like cervical and spinal fractures that can paralyze.

  26. You can if the weight of the body of the car collapses the safety cage.  However, this happening depends on a lot of factors, such as the strength of the roof of the car/truck, the weight exerted on it from being upside down, the speed and surface that the car falls on.  Your position can be another variable, and has the most variances.

    My brother had an accident where he hit a guard rail on the side of a highway and flipped more than 3 times landing on the roof, and survived.  The car he was driving was an early seventies model and we think because of the strength of the cars top he was able to be alive today.

    I would be neigh to try this with a convertible, I don't suspect a windshield mount would provide enough rigidity to keep it from collapsing on you.

  27. You could die if your car is in any orientation....Did you take driver's ed????

  28. Yes.

  29. yes...yes u can...most likely u'd die of a broken neck if yer head hits the ceiling hard enough....

  30. of course, but it also depends on the severity of the accident, if u were wearing a seatbelt, your vehicle's safety rating, etc. Many people have landed upside down and have walked away.

  31. are you for real

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