
Can you direct me to a REAL love spell that WORKS?

by  |  earlier

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I recently lost my soulmate and I can tell you that this man loves me and I love him, but so much is coming between us on both sides of his life... not mine but his life.




  1. You can't make someone love you.

    If you want to know if something loves you, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours.  

  2. What ever the reason are if it is over then let it be... To force someone to love you is just wrong.............

  3. I cant believe that no one has given you a decent answer to your question yet!  The only true love spells that I have ever seen work for anyone has been casted by this witch  If he is your soul mate - go get him!

    Best of luck to you dear!

  4. no, because any attempt to force someone to " love" you is akin to rape.

  5. Love spells are dangerous , trust me , it backfires , your soulmate will be obsessed with you not in REAL LOVE with you and it's only temporary .

  6. well there isn't a safe one so to speak...

    but if you want to deal wit the devil, or sacrifice an infant or a human being then yeah there is one...

    love shouldn't be toyed with and i think we all know that, you have to earn it with your own self. having self-esteem is usually the first step... second is understanding and time management


  7. A spell that works for one person might not always work for another, for a variety of reasons, including that one might find the areas the spell tackles are inappropriate to their own needs, or even just that the person who successfully cast the spell before was just more experienced or powerful as a spellcaster.

    Now, just from what you say and assuming you are being honest, it would sound like you don't actually even need a love spell. What you need is a spell like a Block-Buster or Road Opener spell to get rid of the stuff that is "coming between" you. sells some good Road Opener supplies, and even sells a Road Opener spellkit.

    If you are inexperienced or have some other issues you want to work out, I would advise talking to a professional spellcaster -- I recommend Madam Zula at since I found her effective and helpful in the past. Particularly if you have a difficult problem or are inexperienced, it can ultimately be way cheaper and easier to hire a pro to do your spell for you than to end up spending $200 and six months on stuff you can't get to work. Also, Zula does some divinations to see whether her spells are likely to work for you or not, so she'll let you know if there's hope for this case or not.

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