
Can you do both (formula&breast milk)?

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Can you breastfeed and bottle feed with formula or do you have to stick to one? And once you start breastfeeding is it possible that you're stuck doing that until your baby is around a year old or could you just breastfeed for 3 months and then switch to just formula? I'm curious....thanks!




  1. You can do any of those things.  It's best if you can stick to just breastfeeding for the first year, but if you are going back to work and find that difficult, you can always supplement with formula.  However, you may find that your milk supply starts to dwindle when you aren't nursing regularly, and you may end up having to stop breastfeeding altogether.

    Another thing you can try is to buy or rent a breast pump.  Do not pump until your baby is at least a month old, you know your milk supply is well established, and you know the baby is latching on without any problems.  When the baby gets to the point when he is starting to nurse less frequently, you can use those "missed" sessions to pump off your milk and put it in the freezer for storage.  After a while, you should have a pretty nice stash of "breastsicles" stored up, so that when you do return to work, or when you want someone else to do a feeding here and there, you will have plenty of milk set aside for that.

  2. You can breastfeed and supplement with formula. many women do it, but usually because they don't have a steady supply.

    If you just give formula every time you're not in the mood to nurse, you'll never be in the mood to nurse, and you'll end up weaning very early.

    Breastfeeding is like a marriage. If you don't have enough good reasons to go into it, you'll find a million reasons to "get out of it."

    You can breastfeed as long as you wish. One year is the most ideal, but the first 3 months are very important, and it's a VERY good idea to nurse for at least the first 3 months.

    Good for you to choose something so healthy for your baby! Good luck!

  3. Why would you want to formula feed?? Breast is best!

  4. My niece is both breast and bottle fed - she is 2 months old. She will take either and will take it warm or cold. She's not fussy at all. It really depends on the baby.

  5. there is nothing wrong with bottle feeding and don't listen do those breast feeding advocates that say there is. Yes, you can do both. You could also BF for a certain time then wean the baby off and go to formula.  

  6. yes you can do both..   i did with my olest.. although i  BF for teh most  part  but  did  suppliment her with formula and she took to  both  fine..

    but every  child is different and you will  know what works best for  both of you .. i always say  if  you are going to BF  give it a  decenttry before giving up.. especially in the first few weeks to  first few months then switch ...  its better foryou baby  to teh  nutrients from you   as muchas possible anyway  but  yes you can do both// good luck

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