
Can you do like a kind of performing arts gcse some things which includes music drama and dance please !!!?

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i dont know if there is one like that

please help i neeeeedddd to know

thank you !!




  1. I don't think there is. I've just chosen my gcses and there wasn't one like that =[..coz that would be great for me 2 if there as. But you can do them seperate.

  2. Depends on the school did a performing arts GSCE and A Level...... you'll have to check with the schools in your area.

  3. As everyone has said, it varies from school to school. More places are introducing the new 'Performing Arts' GCSE. However, if you really, really want to do it and your school doesn't offer it, you might think of switching to a proper performing arts school?

    If not, there are always other options. Loads of schools have great after school activities to get involved in, and you could also look for opportunities in the local area.

    You could also try and do a saturday drama school type thing, as this will probably include music, drama AND dance. Ask your school also about doing Speech & Drama lessons, as you can now do these in musical theatre.

    good luck!

  4. You can do drama and music but seperatlely.

    Then again all schools vary so ask a teacher, you may be able to study performing arts at your school.

  5. You can do dance, drama, and music but all seperate.

  6. I did Drama gcse at school then "B-Tech Diploma" in "performing arts" at college.

  7. At our school, we offer Performing Arts as a GCSE, which is a double GCSE.

    Music and Drama is also offered at most schools, and in some a Dance GCSE as well.

    If Performing Arts isn't offered at your school, enquire at some other nearby schools to see if they do after school performing art twilight classes so you will be able to go to them.

    Hope this helps x

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