
Can you do my social studies homework?

by Guest65663  |  earlier

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Can you do my social studies homework?




  1. It has been a while, but I have a degree in Sociology.

  2. Can I do your homework for you? Probably...if I knew what it was.

    Will I do your homework for you? No.

    (I suspect you meant to ask "will you do...", not "can you do..." Two small words but there is a big difference in meaning between the two!).

  3. Probably.  But I choose not to.  Thank you for the opportunity though.

  4. I can do it, but I won't.

  5. I think I can... what exactly is it?

  6. ha ha. Pray! and God will help you get threw it! you can do it! get it done before it has to Be turned in. GET SMART! ITS FUN!!!

  7. I know for a fact I could because I studied hard in school and I work hard to provide a quality education for my children. I am constantly researching things I do not know, and always looking for ways to learn something new everday. I read a variety of materials on a variety of topics, I listen to talk radio to remain up on my current events, watch the news, take part in community action meetings, stay involved in elections, both local and national.

    But I will NOT do your homework for you because I do not want to steal your opportunity to learn too.

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