
Can you do this as well or is it just me?!?

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I can make my dreams..I can dram of whatever i want when im sleeping..I can go anywhere I want..and I enjoy it everybody like this?...

well not always ..but usualy I can change even my nightmares to sweet dreams...I know im dreaming and I let myself dream...

do you do this too?




  1. I've been able to do this once or twice but not all the time. Sweet Dreams!

  2. i'm 41 and i still do this on nights when i'm not intoxicated.

    "my senses are the windows through which i perceive the world. i keep my windows clean."  (ish)  -  (me)

  3. Yes I have done it in the past,I have done astral planing as well, it is all about contolling the subconsious mind.

  4. I can do it sometimes (= hardly ever now) and I think its when I am nearly awake.  As a child (9-12say) I remember I could do it a lot and usually control my nighmares.

  5. I can only do this after eating blue cheese. Try it.

  6. if only i could do the same.

  7. Yes, I've been able to do that for a long, long time. I can control many aspects of my dreams and can fly in almost all of them so if anything horrible appears, I can simply fly away from it. It means that i never have a bad dream, even if they have bad things in them, as i can control some aspects of it. I enjoy every dream I have and dream almost every night. For example, lately I have had dreams every night for over two weeks-all interesting ones. I learn alot in my dreams too, and some of the feelings that I experience are actually more intense than those in my waking world. Dreaming is a big part of my life. I don't interpret the dreams as I know that I learn from all of them. My dreams help me understand other people, and why they behave as they do. They also help me understand myself better and become wiser. I feel very lucky to have such amazing, vivid dreams. When I wake, I remember each dream clearly, and I feel energised. I realise this may all sound very weird. I don't think I have special powers or anything, just amazing dreams. Love it!

  8. It's called "lucid dreaming" and unfortunately, you're not as unusual as you think.

  9. I have had a glorious life. When I was younger and it seemed like the director of my dream/movie wasn't doing a good job I'd take over and have best of fun and laughs and do a lot of good in the meantime in my dream.

    With mental illness and psychosis I simply dare not dream anymore. Too many unbearable things have happened.

    But I still remember the good days (nights) I was invincible!


  10. Keep taking the tablets.

  11. yeah i do this too and i'm 38...its so cool i can do anything i want and i love being able  waking up from a good dream go back to sleep and continue it.....wish my life were like this!

  12. i cant control where i go when i am dreaming but i do remember everything i dream about in detail. Usually i dream about stuff i have been thinking about during the day or from a movie i have seen and can control what happens in the dream but i cant make my own dreams. They usually just come and i go with it.

  13. if i could do this i would be addicted to sleeping pills and all of my dreams would take place at a nude beach across the street from a college with an all you can eat buffet.

  14. That indeed is a talent. Are you sure that you are sleeping - or in that twilight zone. Whatever, you are very lucky.

  15. yes especially if i have woke from a nice dream and want to return !! love dreaming its our safe life !!!

  16. I just like the suprise- I wouldn't want to plan it out methodically- let yourself go a little more- and just let your dreams happen.

  17. Yeah I could do that quite often when I was younger, but now I rarely have any dream. And yes, it is called Lucid Dreaming. Check for more info.

  18. I have done this before. I have been dreaming all night, woke up for a few minutes and dozed back off when, I dozed back off..Is usually when it happens.. I will be able to continue the dream I was having and go where I want in my dream and manipulate my dream. When this is going on it is crazy, but I enjoy it. I am 27 yrs old now but when I was like 13 to 20 I could dream whatever I wanted, seemingly whenever I wanted after waking and dozing back off like more than once.

    Now... I doubt everyone experiences this I'm not an expert but I know that everyone does not sleep the same. It is at a certain depth of unconsciousness that we dream. Many people suffer from sleep disorders so have trouble even getting to sleep .

    Its cool no doubt its like a vacation or an adventure with no boundaries.. I just hate it when Its over cause I don't know when it will happen again.

  19. No, apparently, you aren't alone in this ability.

    I had a friend who said this to me and I asked on here about it and sure enough, there are a surprising number of folks having this ability.

  20. i can't personally, but one of my housemates can

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