
Can you do this in rugby?

by  |  earlier

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My friends and I are new to rugby and in one of our pick up games we had an interesting play. One of the players on my side had the ball and threw it like an American football all the way across the width of the field to a wing who caught it in stride and scored. The pass was backwards, meaning it was not a "forward pass" and I was wondering if the pass itself was legal. Thanks.




  1. it is legal as long as it wasn't foward

  2. Yes that is perfectly legal although you increase the chances of the opposition intercepting the pass the further you throw it.

  3. Yes its legal. If the ball is passed backwards its legal. The  problem with this type of throwing is interceptions and the apposing team scoring.

  4. Legal, but in most cases, not a good idea. The pass will go too high, and can be easily intercepted by  a semi-awake opponent. Or it will allow your opponent to unload a vicious hit on the receiver. The only way to avoid that is to have your receiver so far behind the gain line that getting to the line will be almost impossible.

  5. it OK as long as it doesn't go forward from the player who passes it.

  6. you can throw the ball any way you want as long as it goes backwards

  7. As long as the pass hasn't gone forward it is legal, although you will be lucky to see that played in rugby union.

    Good luck

  8. Just echoing what everyone else has been saying just add, from memory Zinzan Brooke threw one in a NPC game and pretty sure Joeli Vidiri threw one also in a S12 semi or final to Robin Brooke inside the in goal area. Blues v Natal?

  9. Totally legal. I saw the American Eagles side pull this off against NSW in the 80's.

  10. i think you can do that because my brothers play n i thought that the rugby ball has to be passed backwards not forwards...unless itz kicked.

  11. The pass is legal.  It doesn't matter how it's passed, as long as it travels backwards.

    It's interesting that you scored a try, because if you tried that in a club game here, the opposition will intercept you and score themselves.

    Have fun playing Rugby.

  12. I support everyone above me answers, they are all correct in saying as long as the pass dose not go forward.

    Your pass in question is a common pass that was well known to be used by the Fijian  Rugby team and even to date you'll see players passing the ball between their legs or around their back. All are perfectly legal as long as it dose not go forward.

    One pass I enjoy doing is showing the action of my pass to my right allowing my opposition think I am passing it there, but I do a complete swing to end up throwing the ball around the back of my head to passing the ball to the player on my left.

    Again, it's perfectly legal as long as it dose not go forward, so have fun with it and enjoy the game of Rugby.

  13. ya, you cant throw it forward....thats a knock-on and a scrum to other team

  14. thats totally legal as long as the ball does not travel forward

    Robin brooke a lock for the Auckland blues  that was his signature pass especially  inside the opposition 22  he used to pull that out and then try time

  15. yes. can. in rugby, as long as the ball travels (from your hand) backward, the game still in play. Kick can go any direction. But, who will kick the ball behind, which let the opponent gaining metre on your side?

  16. Yes you can do it, the only thing that matters is that the ball goes backwards when it leaves his hand.  If it gets blown forwards by the wind, then thats OK as long as the ball goes backwards initially.

    Jonah Lomu (look him up if you  dont know him) actually did this in a game in NZ.

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