
Can you do this to a six week old?

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I was wondering if it is too early to sit my six week old son on my lap and bounce him a little bit to get him to calm down. I am not doing it I am just wondering if I can do it to calm him down.




  1. I think he is a little bit young still, but you can do it if you are holding his head.  When I wanted to calm my kids, I would just stand up and rock him/her back and forth.  Also, taking your baby for a car ride really works too....they fall asleep really quick!

  2. No. not at all for starters they can not hold their head properly and even if you are supporting the head they do not recommend you even rock too  hard as it can cause brain damage at such a young age wait till your baby is able to sit and he will enjoy it alot more. Try a baby bouncer that rocks it self gently.

  3. No, you still need to support his neck and head.  You'll likely need to do that until he's 3 - 4 months old.  You can hold him in the crook of your arms and bounce/jiggle slightly the arm/elbow that's holding his bottom/legs.  But he can't sit upright without head support right now.

    Check for hunger (eating every 2 - 3 hours still), burp, and wet / soiled diaper first.   Then hot or cold. Swaddle & hold close for soothing.  And shhhhh shhhhh shhhhhh gently in his ear.  It mimics the sound of your heartbeat as he heard it in the womb.   Lastly, undress completely and dress again.  He can't tell you the tag bothers him.

  4. What worked best for us at that age was laying him tummy down across your legs and bouncing your legs. Also face up bottom to your tummy, his feet on your tummy, head toward your knees. This way you can bounce away without his head bobbing to much. My babies preferred the tummy down method best. It also allows them to look around and as they gain muscle control can look every where.

    Sitting up works too, its just harder to hold his head.

    Good luck and enjoy every minute. In what seems like a moment he'll be 6 months instead of 6 weeks.

  5. As long as you're supporting his head and not roughly bouncing him, I think you should be fine. You might also try a vibrating bouncy chair. Our son loved his when he needed to calm down (until he was about 4 months old). Best of luck.

  6. It all depends on his neck strength. If he is holding his head then it s fine if not support his head so as to cause any injury to the head and neck.

  7. I did this with my daughter when she was that age, but she started holding up her head at about six weeks (no joke!).

    I think as long as you are supporting his neck and his head isn't flopping around that gentle bouncing should be alright.  I also used to dance with my little one when she was about that age, that seems to work well too.

  8. I don't think that's a good idea as he is not yet strong enough to hold up his head. Try investing in a baby swing or bouncer. Those work wonders.

  9. You can do that if you want as long has you support the babies head.  

  10. I'm not sure if i'd bounce him. It could cause SBS if his head isn't held secure enough. (not trying to be rude at all) SBS really stressed me out sorry. Try and stand up with him and sway side to side with him and see if that can soothe him. Or maybe lay him across your lap and sway your legs and that may help.. I just wouldn't bounce him. It may give him a tummy ache too. good luck and congrats!!

  11. No! That would boggle his brains!

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