
Can you do this with a debit card?

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Suppose you are in a city that you don't know. You lose your wallet and you don't have any cash. Then you have to buy something in a liquor store. Suppose you really need that thing that you are going to buy. When you take your item to the cashier, can you tell him/her that you don't have your card because you lost your wallet but you know the number of your debit card. Is he going to accept it? I have seen sometimes that sometimes the strip of magnet on the back of the cards doesn't work and the cashiers have to punch in the number manually. Do you think you can do that? I think you would't have any trouble because then it's going to ask you for your PIN number and only the owner knows the PIN number.

What about a credit card?




  1. Many credit card companies can give you emergency cash in such an instance and probably your bank can do the same. I know Am Ex does this very well especially abroad. You loose your wallet. Call Am Ex and they can send you emergency cash and all.

  2. No, because they do not know if it is really your card.  You could have seen someone else enter their PIN number and memorized it (and their card number).

    What do you need to buy in a liquor store?  If you lose your wallet, you cannot buy liquor, even with cash, because you need ID to prove you are at least 21.

  3. It can be done...but I am pretty sure it is illegal for the clerk to do that unless you have I.D. and the credit card in your possession.  (Of course if your online buying something how would they know...hmm?)  Laws are different from state to state...I dont think it would be worth it (or wise of the clerk) to the clek to accept it without your being in possession of both.

  4. 1. yu luze yer munee & wanna drink but dont wanna go in a bar?

    2. wen yu bi stuf on internet, em alwaes want kredit kard info & yu dont put kk in a remote reeder that then send the kode tu em.

    Theer is alwaes a waet as em chek the KK number (elektronik online wunder).

    I assume yu kan du same thang with debit kard.

  5. Some merchants might allow you to just use the account number with out physically having the card.  That's one of the ways that so many fraudulent charges get on stolen credit/debit cards.

    However, if the card owner disputes the item, the merchant is backcharged.  It is not in the merchants best interest to accept the account number without the physical card.

  6. I think it's possible:]

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