
Can you dream of things you have not seen before? or can blind people dream?

by  |  earlier

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this is a thought that came to me one night before i slept. if you were locked in a white room your whole life. and you did not see anything other then the things in that room. could you dream of things you have not seen?




  1. dreams are your libido at work so the person in the white would have dreams that are not much different then the person with a normal life because of archetypes and such.

    furthermore blind people would dream in black and white just as everyone else but if they could draw a picture of their dream it would be a little distorted depending on when the lost their sight

  2. dreams are in the mind not the eyes, blind people would probably have dreams with sounds, or, depending on when the lost there sight, if it was at a young age it would probably be more with sounds, if it was older, it would probably be normal

  3. my dreams are in color just like the world we live in. I dont dream in black and white.

  4. more to conscious-links then known yea the creative things within all portant info all are unique things with total potential eventually..according to doyel give a url  b u t would be suspended uhhh

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