
Can you drink TOO much water? Because sometimes I...?

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okay well i don't like soda and juices and other kinds of drinks so i drink water all the time, which is good i guess because it's healthy! lol anyways..sometimes i feel a little sick though when i drink a lot of water so i HAVE to drink like grape juice, coke, gatorade or something and it won't do that to me

is it possible that all this water i drink could be a little TOO much?




  1. yes, it's called over hydration.

    more people have died from being over hydrated than smoking weed.

  2. ~~You know I do exactly what you do. I only like water or hot tea. I am constantly refilling my large water bottle. I've gone through the same thing, so what I do is eat a bananna. It makes me feel fine again. Overdrinking water might flush potassium out. Anyway, I sure don't worry about it, I've been a water-aholic my entire life. It's way better than a soda junkie!~~

  3. I hope you are eating regular meals and not just filling up on water.  If your stomach is empty and it's quite hot out, drink the water gradually.  Don't gulp down several bottles of water on an empty stomach or it might make you queasy.

  4. Maybe you stomach is bloating.....sometimes it happens to me....too much water...makes your stomach hurt.

    bye bye

  5. how much are you drinking? Anything less than a gallon a day should be no problem. If you don't want water all the time, try a juice (orange, etc.) instead of sodas.

  6. I, like you, don't care for sodas. So, I drink a lot of water.  Yes, it is possible to drink too much water.  However, that happens when you drink it all at once.  It's called water toxicity.  It applies with really any beverage...milk, juice, and yes, water.  However, many people seem to think that since water is healthy you can drink all you want.  Which is true, but in limits.  You also have to be careful of the temperature.  Drinking really cold water drops the internal body temperature too fast.  Which is why it is recommened to be drank at room temperature.  

  7. It is very possible to drink too much water. When you do, you are putting some organs(like your bladder) into working harder, which sometimes they shut down.

  8. If you drink "lots" of water you could throw your electrolytes off  , those are minerals in your system that carry an electric charge. A lot of people know that you can lose them by sweating to much and there are supplements for that. But, like anything else, too much can be bad for you too.That's why some people who take medications that make them thirsty have to have frequent blood tests and monitor their water intake. . I drink bottled water, I even give it to my cats, I worry about a lot of the mineral content and other stuff that gets in the water. I mean, if chlorine makes your eyes red when you swim in it, what does it do to your insides? Still, hands, down,water is the best thing you can drink, Moth

  9. Yes.. actually you can get sick from drinking too much water.  You dont have to be drinking water alllllllllllll the time you can drink something else as well.

  10. perhaps you are drinking it too fast and upsetting your stomach.

    try just sipping

  11. there is a chance you can drink too much water and it does something to your blood cells, makes them swell up, this can make you ill or in extreme cases you can die :/

    but you have to drink absolutely LOADS for this to happen.

    that's the only problem i know of with water.

    chances are you're low on sugar or something and its making your stomach feel uneasy.

  12. I would say yes. My brother is 12 years old anf\d he to drinks water and nothing but water. When he drinks alot at once or even a few bottels a day, he complains of stomaches and ends up throwing up nothing but water EVERY TIME.

  13. Yes you can it's called water intoxication and can lead to hyponatremia.

    read this article it's informative

  14. Yeah, but it doesn't sound like you do. But, there was this contest on this radio station and it was like who's ever mother can drink the most water will win a wii system, and these kids mom drunk a whole lot of water and she passed out and died. It was so sad.

  15. Absolutely.  Your body has electrolytes in it but if you drink too much water, you can wash them away.  That is why athletes often drink Gatorade which has electrolytes.  Most people don't run the risk of drinking too much water but athletes who sweat a lot do.  Too much water can cause the blood to become diluted.  People have died from it but these are extreme cases.  If you are feeling sick (nausea, light headed, dizzy) you are drinking too much. drink Gatorade that is diluted with water or just plain Gatorade.  

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