
Can you drink and take tylenol with codine?

by Guest64537  |  earlier

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i did just now because i forgot i took the tylenol. i wont die right???




  1. Not if you dont wanna go into Liver Failure...    

  2. Well personally I'm not a big fan of Tylenol or anything with it in it.  Specially while drinking when in combination it can really mess up your liver even one time of doing it.  Tylenol can cause severe liver problems by itself.  Though taking codeine with alcohol would be no problem it would just exaggerate the good feeling,  though within reason of course.  You probably aren't going to die or get hurt from a few times of doing it but It really is pushing it since Tylenol and over the counter meds like that are the number one killer in America to begin with.  Just a little info the FDA does not like anyone to know.

  3. You wont die, but don't do it again, you're risking to have liver failure.  The same goes if you *overdose* on Tylenol, even the plain one. Follow your doctor's instructions carefully.

  4. You will be fine. If you forgot you took the tylenol you are probably feeling better already.

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