
Can you drink the water in Buenos Aires?

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Can you drink the water in Buenos Aires?




  1. I wouldn't.  Bottled water!

  2. Buenos Aires is a very modern city and the tap water is potable in the parts of the city that I am familiar with.  That being said, I cannot attest to what types of contaminants may be in the water.  All I know is that I drank it while I lived there.

  3. the previous people said it is true Buenos Aires is a big city...very metropolitan. I lived there 4.5 months and drank the water and here I am. Nothing happened to me...I never got sick or anything. When you go to restaurants they usually bring you bottled water anyways so you probably won't have to worry about it. But...if you are worried about it just don't drink the water in your hotel or wherever you are staying. But..I think it is perfectly fine to drink so long as you are in the capital...traveling to rural parts of Argentina I would def. bring lots of bottled water.  Have fun!

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