
Can you drive in the carpool lane w/ just a driver and a baby?

by  |  earlier

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In California, to be able to drive in the carpool lane you only need two people. I feel that I have heard that a baby doesn't count.




  1. Only if the baby has their driver's license.  lol

    I would not think that the baby would qualify you for the car pool lane.

    good luck.

  2. Of course not!! Is your baby a fellow driver???

  3. no because you are supose to have another worker with you

  4. The only time the baby does not count is when the baby is unborn.  To count the child must be a passenger in a separate seat.

  5. In California, any 2 people count.  A baby in your stomach wouldn't count, but as soon as it's born it counts as a separate person.

  6. A baby does count as a passenger for the carpool lane.  A judge ruled that a pregnant woman does not count, however once the child is born they qualify.  That is why people often put carseats in their cars to 'fool' the police.

    Regardless of the point of the carpool, for commuters, the law is very broad and allows for any car with 2 or more human passengers.

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