
Can you drive to columbia from southern mexico?

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Can you drive to columbia from southern mexico?




  1. Nope. Panama is as far South as you can drive. There is a section of jungle called the Darien Gap which they've yet to be able to build a road through.

  2. yeah with a broken leg no money and mugged a couple of times and have the worst memory of your life

  3. The Darien gap is in the no....

    Its an unfinished part of the Panamerican Highway and even if your able to get through, the chances of running into the Colombian Guerilla's are very high, making it a very dangerous trip.

  4. Yes you can, then just put your car on the panama canal and let it float over to Colombia..  ( Please Learn that its not Columbia, ITS COLOMBIA) its not that hard...

    Take care..


  5. First of all, it is COLOMBIA....second, sure you can, but it will be a long tripp...good luck

    Colombia is passion

  6. No.  There is a gap in the Pan-American highway at the Panamanian border.  You would have to take a ferry from Panama City to Cartegena or some other port of entry.

  7. you mean Colombia? sure, but be careful.

  8. Columbia the city in South Carolina, or Colombia the country?

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