
Can you dye your hair when you are pregnant?

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I'm 6 weeks pregnant, I was on holidays last month and my hair got very dry and a kind of a brassy colour (my hair is brown). I want to get an overall chocolate brown colour put in - it's called a tint. I'm a bit worried bout the chemicals and the fact that it's an overall colour. The hairdresser said it's ok just that it might make you a bit sick. Not sure what to do - any advice/help?




  1. yes you can but some people don't like to when pregnant,so if you don't want to do a heavy low lite,like the color you want,it doesn't touch you scalp

  2. You can, just be in a well ventilated area :)

    I did with both and have 2 healthy kids. Hair colour may not work though because of your hormones. Mine did, but each pregnancy is different :)

    Congrats :)

  3. you can, just make sure there is no amonia in the dye

  4. I asked my hairdresser the same question early on in my pregnancy (I'm now 34 weeks) and she advised that there is no evidence showing that the dye itself can harm the baby but recommended to avoid permanent tints as the fumes can affect pregnant women.

    I have my hair bleach highlighted and have had it done twice during my pregnancy and did not experience any adverse affects, and the bleach worked in the same way it always did before I got pregnant!

  5. yes your fine just make sure your in a well aired room, and maybe do a skin test patch first as you become sensitive when pregnant, they used to say don't bleach your hair and some doctors still do now, but just normal colouring is fine!

    good luck  

  6. my midwife said it was fine, but the only problem is that the texture of the hair can change in pregnancy, and sometimes the result of the dye can be  slightly different to what you expect, (more dye can get absorbed or something) but i think this is more likely if your using a bleach :)

  7. I dye mine all the time and its always been fine when I am pregnant. A tint especially will be fine as their are no nasty chemicals in them anymore.

  8. Hi I have been dyeing my hair during pregnancy even thought one person told me not to as it can cross the placenta or something, but I just thought to myself you never see a pregnant celeb with there roots showing and they have the best health care and they dont go round with there roots showing lol so it must be ok,

    Its recommended that you just dye your hair in a well ventilated room, and try not to breath in the chemicals etc.

    I think its perfectly fine. but its up to you what you feel more comfortable doing.  

  9. Unless you have a specific allergy, it's fine to get your hair done while you're pregnant.

    Just make sure the area is well ventilated.

    If it was seriously dangerous, they'd make you sign a waiver before you got your hair done, in case anything went wrong.

    They'd also not allow pregnant women to work as hairdressers.

    Tons of pregnant women get their hair coloured, including those who don't even realise they're pregnant yet.

    I've been dealing with pregnant women for two decades and have never known anyone to have a problem - myself included.  I had my hair coloured twice during my last pregnancy, no problem.

  10. I'm half way through my hairdressing qualification. You can have your hair coloured during your pregnancy, most good hairdressers will insist on a skin test 24 -48 hours before you have the colour to check you don't have a reaction (this is because your hormones in your skin change during pregnancy), some hairdressers will not do this test but I would highly recommend it and if you have a reaction don't have it done. Some hairdressers will also not do it at all just because of the possible risks. No one knows for sure if it's safe to have your hair coloured but that also means that it's not been proven to harm the baby.

    I'll be working with hair colour every day when I go back to college in September and I'm 23 weeks pregnant, also I'm wanting to have mine done but I'm just going to try and wait as long as I can just incase there are any side effects.

    foil highlights are safe aswell as they aren't going directly onto your scalp then you should be fine just make sure the room is well ventilated if you do go ahead

    Good Luck with the rest of your pregnancy

  11. I did when i was pregnant, didnt make me feel sick!!

  12. i have on both of my pregnancies and I have healthy babies!

  13. My doctor told me that I could, but I had to wait until I was 13 weeks. A lot of doctors tell you not to, but not all doctors agree on this. They say the chemicals in the dye will cross the placenta to the fetus, but then some say the amount of chemicals that actually get absorbed is so minute that it doesn't even reach the placenta. I'd say ask your doctor for their opinion because of here you will get A LOT of mixed answers.

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