
Can you earn a college degree without taking any classes and just passing any tests, labs, ect.?

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Instead of wasting several years of your life in various college courses in an attempt to earn a degree would it be possible just to take the final exam for a given course without paying the entire fee for that course. And to 'that guy' whose going to say I don't know but you should just take the course, please don't post.




  1. No. Not a genuine college degree. Maybe from a diploma mill, but not from a real school.

    Real schools will require you to complete a certain number of classes with them. If they didn't, they'd lose their accreditation.

    But if you have the equivalent knowledge to a class (or can get it via books and etc.), universities will let you take equivalency exams - CLEP tests and the like - to waive out of those classes. This is something you can discuss with admissions.

    In addition, there are colleges that offer accelerated degree programs, usually for working adults, which allow you to take more classes in less time, and thus graduate faster.  

  2. y not????i knw many people who took the degree just after passing 10th grade

  3. No, because how can you expect to take the final and know the material which is on the final, if you have not attended class. Furthermore tests probably account for about 50-60% of your final grade, which isn't even a C. So you couldn't pass the class anyway without showing up for class in order to do the quizzes, homework and anything which counts towards that final grade.

  4. It would be difficult for one to take a test when they haven't been present for the material covered.  Class time also presents opportunities for dialog and debate which lends to the learning experience.  People who have attended the class are less likely to make the same obvious arguments or even mistakes in thought than the person who hasn't been there for those discussions.

    Most schools require attendance as part of ones grade.

  5. Cisco certification-

  6. No, that is not possible.

    Most colleges allow you to take tests instead of taking the entire course for credit.  However, the fee you pay is the same as the tuition.  (no financial savings)  Also, most colleges limit number of these credit-for-tests they allow toward the degree.  Most colleges also require certain number of credits must attained from the college you are going to receive degree.  So taking many of them elsewhere and just transferring doesn't work either.

    If you believe the time spent learning new subject and stretching your limit is waste of time, why even try?  You might as well go to take professional and concentrated classes and earn certifications in respective subject areas.  

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